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All across the world, worshippers are raising their voices making the simple, yet profound declaration, "I Give Myself Away So You Can Use Me. " This heart-felt anthem is stirring up a movement of freely, purely, giving ourselves to Christ. Penned by William McDowell, the song is the cry of William's heart and the foundation of his worship ministry. Many have joined him in singing this song, but few know about the road William has walked, leading him straight to this place of sharing God's heart with the world. Meet him now.

"I Give Myself Away" is from his debut album, AS WE WORSHIP. The double-disc "worship experience" helms out of William's conversation with God where He told him "if you speak what I'm speaking, I will make a way for my message to be heard."
  • Song: "I Give Myself Away"
  • File Size: 12.33 MB
  • Format: MP3

(You can purchase the full album at )

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